Monday, August 22, 2016

Terminator Genisys 2015

I remembered when I first saw the movie "the Terminator" at 1984, it was one of the first best action movies I saw then, on a video tape. After that, Terminator 2: Judgment Day at 1991 came up on the big screen, better and better from the first one, oh I loved that movie!  I think it was Arnold Schwarzenegger best acting performance, at least in that film he was talking and it was cooler. Then other films came up but nothing compared to the first and second one. Previously I saw Terminator: Genisys 2015. Man, Arnold even older he has the edge, he is the best in his category. The style never dies. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the muscles like he was young, but he has more humor, and I think he is more authentic. I recommend watching this movie.

Watch the movie trailer below to see what I mean.

Buy or Watch on Amazon